Brass: Birmingham and Brass: Lancashire Deluxe Editions are STILL available for purchase on the Roxley website:
Latest Updates from Our Project:
STATUS REPORT – 2018.07.27 – All Zones Fulfilling. Australia/NZ/Rest of World Finished! Gen Con is Next Week!
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 01:45:32 AM
TL;DR – Fulfillment in progress in EU, USA, Canada. All orders fulfilled in Australia/NZ/Rest of World. New Santorini Characters at Gen Con.
All freight has arrived except in the EU, Happyshops has received about 1/3 of expected stock and we are working on confirming arrival dates for the rest.
North American Fulfillment
USA: Confirmation numbers are arriving for US backers and more are expected tonight and early next week. QML are working in order from the most distant backers to the nearest (they are located in Florida) with the goal of having as many people as possible receive the game early next week. Some backers have reported being able to get their tracking faster by downloading the FedEx app.
Canada: Snakes & Lattes was scheduled to ship all Canadian backers next week but they are ahead of schedule – Canadian backers are receiving tracking already, and some in Ontario & Quebec have already received their games!
Europe Fulfillment
HappyShops has been shipping the stock they’ve received, but are still awaiting the majority of the games delayed by customs. It is hard to get a guaranteed arrival date for this stock. The first Iron Clays have arrived and are shipping out, but now there is a shortage of copies of Birmingham until the next container arrives. HappyShops is continuing to ship what they can in the meantime.
If you’re an EU backer going on holiday, your original email from HappyShops has a link in it you can use to confirm your address--but that link can also be used to delay your shipment until you get back (if it is a long holiday, you may need to use it more than once).
Australia / NZ
All regular pledges have been sent. If you have a notification from “Jenny Q”, that’s from Gameology. They have sent us a copy of the tracking information, so if you have not received it, we can now look it up (although be warned we have a high volume of messages coming in right now so we might not be able to answer immediately).
China / Rest of World
All regular pledges have been sent. We’re hearing that some people have received tracking and some have not – we’ve messaged VFI asking for tracking for everyone, but as it is the weekend there already, we may not get this back right away.
Team Roxley at Gen Con in 2017... strange how we each lined up under the word that describes us best.
Communications will be slow next week, as Team Roxley is in Indianapolis. Please come visit us if you are too! We’re at booth #531 in Hall J, and if you haven’t heard yet, Martin Wallace will be signing copies of Brass at 12:30 PM Thursday, and 11:30 AM Friday. Joining us again this year will be Nate & Manny, the creators of Dice Throne, who just might be bringing some sneak previews from Dice Throne Season Two...!
If you requested Gen Con pickup of your pledge, you should have received a confirmation email already. (It is unfortunately too late to join this if you missed it). Reminder: we have a very limited supply at Gen Con, and are expecting to sell out quickly. We promise we will reserve your pledge until the end of the day Saturday. If you have not picked it up by Sunday morning, we reserve the right to sell it and ship your pledge to you instead.
Promos! Promos! Promos!
Uh oh. That can't be good!
In addition to the new Steampunk Rally promos, we'll have some new faces joining us from the world of Santorini! We're going to have a limited quantity of these at the Roxley and Spin Master booths, or you can buy them separately at MeepleSource. (These characters will later be included in a limited quantity Deluxe Edition, not available in stores; more details about that are coming later in the year).
Brass Fans On Facebook
In three short days the Brass Board Game Community has exploded to 260 members and is growing fast! We’d love to have you join us there too, to show off your newly arrived copies, share and trade strategies, game experiences, ask and answer rules questions, and get all the latest news:
As always, if you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Keep rollin' sixes,
Gavan Brown & Team Roxley
STATUS REPORT – 2018.07.20 – Fulfillment Has BEGUN! PDF rulebooks released. We Want Your Action Shots!
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 01:19:18 AM
TL;DR – All product through customs. EU, Australia/NZ, Worldwide shipping has begun. North America has product and backerlists; first tracking numbers expected Wednesday. Majority of backers still on track to receive pledges prior to Gen Con.
All fulfillment centres have been authorized to proceed. Some delays may still apply in the EU and Canada, as detailed below.
Canada/US Fulfillment
USA: All stock is received. Prior fulfillment projects finishing up. QML remains committed to their stated target of getting the majority of US backers their games prior to Gen Con. US backers will start getting tracking numbers on Wednesday the 25th.
Canada: We’re told that the truck carrying our Canadian freight BROKE DOWN (because that’s just our luck, apparently). Fortunately the delay is minor, and we are expecting the Snakes & Lattes shipment to arrive at their warehouse on Monday the 23rd. Note that this warehouse is still on American soil, so the games are still subject to customs and bureaucratic processing. We are expecting the first Canadian tracking numbers to be going out before the end of July.
European Fulfillment
Customs was apparently very interested in the Iron Clays, but have now released all of the shipping containers. HappyShops has already packed and shipped over 1300 pledges as of last night, and will continue shipping the rest as they arrive. We expect the majority of EU backers to have tracking over the next several days, although the last container to arrive may be as late as August 3rd. Customers have been reporting very fast arrival after receiving tracking and excellent packaging of the games.
Australia / NZ Fulfillment
No delays to report. Gameology is now packing and shipping all orders and predicts all customers will have tracking by Wednesday the 25th.
China / Rest Of World Fulfillment
VFI has already sent games to their most remote backers. All remaining customers will be sent by the end of next week.
There's a problem with my delivery!
For all delivery issues, please message [email protected]. If there is any damage to the game, especially if it was an issue with the packaging, please include pictures of both the game and the packaging in question if at all possible.
I've moved! Can I still change my address?
The window for this has passed. If your address has changed and you weren’t able to update us in time, your package may be misdelivered or returned. Please email [email protected] with the details, and we will follow up with you.
Rulebooks are Online!
Covers only. Click below to completenate.
ENGLISH Lancashire: Birmingham:
GERMAN Lancashire:
Note that these are living documents and subject to change. (In particular, we have sent the Spanish rulebooks for another round of feedback and vetting based on feedback from the community, and will be updating them one more time based on that).
Watch It Played Video - Coming Soon!
Copies of Brass have been rushed to Rodney, but we do not anticipate he will have time to finish work until after Gen Con. For those who just can’t wait, we recommend the full playthroughs already available from Heavy Cardboard:
Heavy Cardboard - Lancashire Teach, Playthrough, & Discussion - click HERE Heavy Cardboard - Birmingham Teach, Playthrough, & Discussion- click HERE
We Want Your Action Shots!
Image: Demo-Gorgon Michael Cox & playgroup.
We’re dying to see this game in the wild--on your tables, in your rec rooms, with your gaming group, or in front of your families & friends! So please tag us on Facebook, on Twitter at @roxleygames, on Instagram at @roxleygames, or you can upload your images to BoardGameGeek. We’d love to include some action shots in our next update--and if we choose yours, we promise to hook you up with the newest promos from Steampunk Rally and Santorini!
As always, if you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Keep rollin' sixes,
Gavan Brown & Team Roxley
STATUS REPORT – 2018.07.06 – Early update: All ships in port. Backerlists going to fulfillment. Martin Wallace and Brass at Gen Con!
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Jul 07, 2018 at 01:29:33 AM
TL;DR – All ships have arrived. All games being shipped this month. GenCon pickup available for North American customers while quantities last. Martin Wallace to visit Roxley booth!
All ships have arrived and are going through customs and unloading. Canadian freight will soon be heading north via train (unlike iron, shipping games requires a rail link).
Canada/USA Freight
Vessel Departed from China: June 1, 2018
Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: Arrived
USA Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 12, 2018
Canadian Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 20, 2018
Europe Freight
Vessel Departure from China: June 5-6, 2018 Vessel Port Arrival Scheduled: Arrived
Germany Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 13, 2018
Australia / NZ
Vessel Departure from China: June 11, 2018
Vessel Port Arrival Scheduled: Arrived
Australia Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 12, 2018
China / Rest of World
Vessel Departure from China: June 11, 2018
China / Rest of World Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: Arrived
Send out all backers: July, 2018
I've moved! Can I still change my address?
If you are outside of North America, the window for this has passed. If your address has changed and you weren’t able to update us in time, your package may be misdelivered or returned. Please email [email protected] with the details, and we will follow up with you.
Within North America, we may still be able to help. Please email [email protected] as quickly as possible with the details.
Brass at Gen Con 2018
This update is early because, for a limited time, we can arrange for North American backers the option to pick up your pledge in person at Gen Con! (While time and quantities last). You can request this option here:
REMINDER: Leave space in your luggage when planning to bring these home from Gen Con! Your Deluxe Edition games include Iron Clays, and a bundle of two weighs approximately fifteen pounds. So plan accordingly, especially if you ordered additional Iron Clays!
Martin Wallace at the Roxley Booth!
Martin signing Brass at Essen Spiel. Photo: Skiboy on BoardGameGeek.
Martin Wallace will be joining us at booth #531 (Hall J) for two one-hour signing sessions, beginning at 11:30 AM Thursday and 12:30 PM Friday to sign Roxley editions of Brass. (Due to time constraints, Martin is not scheduled to sign other games, and whenever people are waiting in line, we request that any conversation be kept courteously short.)
Pre-order & Signing Q&A
Q. Is there a difference in price to pick up my pledge in person?
A. No, we take care of any additional costs.
Q. Will this result in delays for any customers?
A. No, North American shipments are already timed to arrive as closely as possible to other backers, and this will not change.
Q. What if I sign up for this and can’t make it there?
A. We’ll hold your pledge until end of day Saturday, after which we reserve the right to sell it and ship you one from fulfillment instead. This is to reduce the risk of damage from repacking/reshipping your games two additional times.
Q. Can I have Martin Wallace sign my game, then pick it up later at the booth or have it shipped to me?
A. Unfortunately, no. Martin has a limited amount of time to meet fans in person, and we’d rather not leave anyone stranded in line.
Santorini is a winner at The Dice Tower Gaming Awards!
Was everyone watching the live stream of the Dice Tower Gaming Awards? If you weren't, here's one of the things you missed: our very own SANTORINI, winning Best Two-Player Game of 2017!
This was amazing group of games to be included in, and we are humbled and grateful to be recognized. A massive thank you to everyone at The Dice Tower - and to all of you, our fans and supporters, who make it possible for us to continue making great games.
(See the full livestream here:
As always, if you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Keep rollin' sixes,
Gavan Brown & Team Roxley
Status Report - 2018.07.01 - Shipments Arriving in Port! Happy Canada Day! New Roxley Promos!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jul 02, 2018 at 12:29:35 AM
TL;DR - Brass is arriving in ports. Updates moving to Fridays. New Steampunk Rally promos.
Shipping continues smoothly. We have slightly revised the estimate for the arrival of Canadian stock in case of a customs delay.
Canada/USA Freight
Vessel Departed from China: June 1, 2018 Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: July 5, 2018 USA Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 12, 2018 Canadian Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 20, 2018
Europe Freight
Vessel Departure from China: June 5-6, 2018 Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: July 3, 2018 Germany Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 7, 2018
Australia / NZ
Vessel Departure from China: June 11, 2018 Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: Arrived Australia Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 7, 2018
China / Rest of World
Vessel Departure from China: June 11, 2018 China / Rest of World Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: Arrived
Send out to all backers: July, 2018
I've moved! Can I still change my address?
Yes. If you have moved, please go to your original BackerKit email and click the link. Even if you've submitted your survey, you should be able to manage your address. If you cannot find your survey, you can retrieve it here.
If BackerKit won't let you change your address, please email [email protected] immediately with the new one and any relevant details (such as moving dates).
Adjusting the Update Schedule
We're will continue regular updates every two weeks, until fulfillment is finished. These updates will be moving to Friday evening instead of Sunday. (Updates rarely change over the weekend, so it doesn't make sense to keep you waiting two additional days.) So thenext update is scheduled for Friday, July 13th.
First Shipments of Brass Sighted!
Reinforced crate corners ensure your games arrive undamaged.
This ought to keep Heavy Cardboard busy for a while!
Boxes of Birmingham and Lancashire stacked together.
Steampunk Rally celebrates Canada Day!
Many of you recently saw on our social media a preview image for an Inventor Cockpit card for Steampunk Rally: Zhuge Liang & Lady Huang, legendary historical figures from the Chinese Three Kingdoms period, who will be included in Orin Bishop's upcoming Steampunk Rally: Fusion. We also promised to unveil a truly iconic Canadian inventor on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day, as well as a really big Steampunk Rally spoiler. Well the time has come to fulfill that promise!
New Canadian Inventor – Red Green!
Genius isn't necessary when you have the handyman's secret weapon: duct tape!
These and our other promo cards can be found at MeepleSource, who will be bringing a supply to Dice Tower Con this weekend for their first public release! (We'll still bring them to conventions we go to--visit us in 2018 at Gen Con, Essen Spiel, PAX Unplugged, and everywhere else we go, and we'll hook you up while we have some left!)
As always, if you have any comments or questions, please email [email protected].
Keep rollin' sixes,
Gavan Brown & Team Roxley
Status Report - 2018.06.17 - On the ocean. Happy Father's Day!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 12:39:09 AM
TL;DR - All freight on the ocean.
All games are now on the ocean. Below is the schedule for arrivals. I had calculated Canada USA freight time based on our previous campaigns which were all sent out from the west coat. For this campaign, we will be using Quarter Master logistics which is on the East Coast. This means the freight needs to go a longer way, through the Panama canal. I've corrected the USA shipment arrival date to July 5.
Canada / USA Freight
Vessel Departed from China: June 1, 2018
Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: July 5, 2018 USA Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 12, 2018 Canadian Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 15, 2018
Europe Freight
Vessel Depature from China: June 5-6, 2018
Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: June 29, 2018
Germany Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 7, 2018
Australia / NZ
Depature from China: June 11, 2018 Vessel Port Arrival Estimation: June 29, 2018 Australia Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 5, 2018
China / Rest of World
Depature from China: June 11, 2018 China / Rest of World Fulfillment Center Arrival Estimation: July 15, 2018
Send out all backers (If all goes well): Early-July, 2018.
I've moved! Can I still change my address?
Yes. If you have moved, please go to your original BackerKit email and click the link. Even if you've submitted your survey, you should be able to manage your address. If you cannot find your survey, you can retrieve it here.
Happy Father's Day from Team Roxley!
As always, if you have any comments or questions, please email [email protected].